The Waterfall Aroma
Made with Ocean-inspired, All-Natural materials
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Sisters (left to right) Teuila, Sefina, and La’ei Kim have been making candles and soaps all of their lives ever since their mother has taught them how. Their love of animals and the ocean inspired them to take back to the community and sell their products to fundraise community beach clean events their at their home in Laos. They also spend their days when they don't make candles and soaps, they love to spend time together on the beach and talk about past events throughout their lives. They also take part in volunteering at local shelters and clean, bath, and heal local animals on the beaches of Laos. The women we partner with in different islands and countries around the world do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another part of a beach or ocean is cleaned and preserved! Beaches and Oceans are now given a second chance and a promising future for an abundance of life because of your purchase! Your purchase will help citizens clean their beaches and inform others about the issues with litter and trash in the oceans. Women and artisans that are a part of the Emoceans™ program earn an income and make a difference in helping cleaning the beaches and oceans around the world!
They are from all over the world! Our artisans volunteer their time and products to raise money to create events like "cleaning the beaches" or to donate to other charities that help clean the oceans to create a better oceanic environments. We are committed to preventing these atrocities by creating dignified jobs for women.
You can sign up by click on the button below for more information about hosting and joining and then you can start telling people about Emoceans. If you'd rather donate you can donate money to our charities by contacting your Emoceans™ Representative.
We've been in business since September 2018 and we are still growing! More than 500 women take part in this opportunity, and about more than 200 artisans donate their time and merchandise to raise awareness about the pollution of our oceans and beaches.
We are a group of women whose mission is to create a safe and clean ocean environment for not only the ocean’s creatures but for the humans who’s lives are surrounded by Earth’s Oceans. We work together with other women from poverished islands or countries with the need of helping clean their beaches and donate some of the money we make into projects like cleaning trash from beaches and oceans. From a business of three women in 2011 to a booming growth to over 500 women, we have participated in many beach clean-ups and partnered with many Charities. Owners Beverly Mantra, Benjamin Seashell, and Christy Bullock were inspired to start Emocean when they visited an island beach full of litter and trash and decided to help clean the beach. After learning about the problem of trash washing up onto shore, and the amount of litter in the ocean, they began speaking to the local women villagers and mentioned how they would make different things from materials washed up on the beach. The trio began to sell their products and used the funds to build local campaigns to clean the beaches and the oceans.